Wednesday, December 5, 2007

I like Mike!

Monday, November 19, 2007

Random Stuff

Well, first off, my sister, Hannah Dixon (formerly Hannah Traylor from Hannah and Elizabeth) will be performing next weekend at Watershed Books in Lexington, SC. The show will be from 8-10:30, and will be $5 at the door. Her CDs, including her newest one, the Voyage, will be on sale. So bring some money, and friends, and come out and worship with us! You can go to her website to learn more about the show/where Watershed Books is/etc:

Hannah Dixon

In other news, here is Mike Huckabee's first campaign ad/commercial. Right now it is currently only airing in Iowa, but hopefully as he raises more money, he can go more national. Go Mike!

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

First Attempt At This Thing

So, I'm going to try and attempt this whole blogging thing. Not really sure what to expect from reminds me a lot of LiveJournal...from way back in the day. Well, I was listening to Albert Mohler the other day, and he was actually doing a a radio show on Christians and blogging. He and this other guy were talking about some rules for blogging. One thing they mentioned, was don't treat this as a journal, and list everything you've done. Instead, talk about thoughts you have, your opinion on things, etc. So I'll try.

This whole blogging thing kinda weirds me out honestly. Just because, I don't know who is reading this. For all I know, this, and any following posts, may never be read. But then again, I could become one of those bloggers who has a following of thousands. And the thought of thousands of people, who I don't know, reading my thoughts, or things I did that day, is just weird! But then again, that is an amazing blessing from the Lord. That is thousands of people I could share the love of Christ with, that I may never meet in person.

Anyways, I was thinking, since this is my 'first attempt', I should introduce myself....
(You can read over on the right hand side the 'About Me' and you'll get a very poetic description of who I am, courtesy of Andrew Peterson. But here I am from the horses' mouth):

I am a great sinner, but have a greater Savior, Jesus Christ
I'm dating an amazing, Godly woman, who I hope to marry within the next year!
I have an amazing, God fearing family, that I love so much...what makes them amazing is that they continuously love me, even though I'm such a sinner, and don't always love them.
I've been in SC all my life
I graduated from USC back in May of 2007
- been a gamecock fan all my life (that's why I went to USC...I wanted football tickets!)
- really sad about how the gamecocks have been doing the last few weeks...but not too surprised...we (meaning USC fans) got swept up with all that chaos that went on early in the season (ie, lots of top 10 teams losing, USC getting ranked 6, etc)..and then when the football world got back into balance, our weaknesses finally became blatantly obvious and caught up with us. but i still love my gamecocks...and i'm also really stoked about this basketball season (we may finally be able to compete for once!!!)

I go to a church that I love! I praise the Lord He brought me and Vanessa to it. It's amazing how God works. For the last 3 or 4 years, He has really been growing and maturing me a lot. And it's cool how He has placed me at the churches and Bible studies that I have needed to be in at those specific times...for example, for a year and a 1/2 I commuted every weekend to a church in Greenville. After using that church to really allow me to see how our walk with God isn't a Sunday morning thing, or an occassional thing during the week, but rather it must be a 24/7 thing, and also using that church to allow me to see my gifts, He sent me to another church here in Lexington to fine tune some more of my gifts (and also allow me to worship with the love of my life). After that He finally took us to a church I've known about for as long as it has been in existence, but for some reason never felt drawn to go there...until recently. And it's been so cool to see how God molded me and prepared me for Christ Church...and it's been even more awesome that He has given me the awesome opportunity to work there, and be around Godly men and women! It's crazy to think about what He is preparing me for next.
I have this feeling I won't be in Columbia for too much longer. I don't know if it'll just be 3 or 4 more years...or it could be a tad longer. But I just have this feeling that God is going to be taking me (and my future wife) out of Columbia eventually to somewhere that we never would have dreamed. Sometimes I think it'll be a place like Montana. I don't know why I think it'll be a place like that. Maybe it's because I'm a cowboy at heart, and I long to be on the open range, surrounded by mountains, sitting on my front porch of my log cabin, smoknig my corn cob pipe, and riding my horse, Mud Pie (my horse would be a brown spotted wild mustang), into town to get the newspaper (althought, I've never been to Montana, so I have no idea what it looks like...I have asthma so I'd probably die if I smoked a pipe, and the one time I rode a horse, I cried hysterically when I got on the horse, and pleaded for the people to take me off it)..but who knows, God does crazy things that we never expect!

Anyways, sorry for that bizarre rabbit trail I took you down. I do think though that God is calling me to seminary. Not neccessarily to be a pastor. I don't know if I'm really gifted in teaching (although, one thing God has been teaching me while at Christ Church, is how to really study the Bible..and it blows my mind, how He...(lets put this into perspective)....that HE, the creator of the Universe and everything within it, the only One True Living God, the only one who is Perfect, HOLY HOLY HOLY, and just and good...would allow me...ME, a filthy, vile, wretched sinner, who is constantly prostituting myself to this gain Truths from His Word! Praise the Lord!!!) Anyways, so He has definately been teaching me how to study His Word, but I still don't think I'm gifted in teaching. However, I am drawn towards counseling. My mom says I'd make a great counselor. I seem to think God could be speaking to me through her. She is a nurse, and has worked as a psychiatric nurse the last 8 or so years. And for the last 3 years she has worked in a counseling center. So she knows a thing or two about counseling and counselors, and who would make good counselors, etc. Plus, I've heard one of our pastors say before 'God seems to gift women, especially mothers in regard to their children, with the gift of discernment.' He went on to say something to the effect of 'if your momma tells you something, you better listen, because God could be revealing something to you'. So maybe He is calling me to Christian counseling? Our other Pastor told me one time 'not everyone is gifted to be preachers...we also need reformed, Christians counselors'. Very true. Who knows...Montana needs reformed Christian counselors.

Ok, I have rambled way too long. I'm tired, and ready to relax for a little while.

Peace like a river